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Hoses & Tubing
Laboratory Hoses and Tubing
Can't find the right hose you are looking for? Custom lengths and materials available! Call to see how we can help (510)487-1390
All of our hoses are great for multiple uses, from vacuum tubing to heater and chiller lines, we can find a solution for you!
Stainless steel hosing for extreme performance for a wide temperature range from cryo temps to high temperature applications up to 1200 Fahrenheit and 1300 PSI
Viton tubing for high temperature purposes like hot pass condenser tech, lines for recirculating chiller, or hot vapor, and chemical resistance.
Rubber tubing for standard vacuum, low micron applications.
Silicone reinforced tubing for low to high pressure applications such as vacuum hosing or water tubing. Resistance to UV, ozone, gases, moisture, and high temperature.