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Upgrade your lab with a high quality magnetic stirrer hotplate. A hotplate with magnetic stirrer allows for precise heating and stirring. Digital hotplate stirrer with a backlit display prevents any questions about what temperature you are operating at. Browse our hotplate stirrer combo line and contact us with any questions.
Magnetic Stirrer Hotplate with a multitude of advanced and unique features. Ideal Digital Hotplate stirrer for demanding applications. Program, network, tune and more. Ton's of safety features to protect your material.
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Magnetic stirrer with hot plate provides programmable safety features like overheat protection and a timer to prevent any problems in the lab. Hot plate and stirrer to mix distillate and terpenes. Magnetic hot plate stirrer line from Goldleaf Scientific.
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Round bottom reaction flask used to hold flasks in place. Made from aluminum to prevent interference from magnetic stir bar while allowing for rapid heat transfer. Used in short path distillation or terpene refinement.
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