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X1740 Complete Homogenizer Kit (115/230V)

Delivery time: 1-2 weeks

$4,179.00 USD $3,490.00 USD Excl. tax
$3,490.00 USD Incl. tax

Please specify at checkout for a 220v version, or call in to confirm your order (510)487-1390


We have put together a complete kit with our X1740 rotor stator homogenizer and disperser generator shafts. Use our shaft selection guide to select the shaft size and type based on the material and volume you are working with. This makes purchasing convenient and easy as you can select one kit and get everything you need including the motor drive, the disperser shaft, vertical flow cup, required tools, 2ft. "H style" heavy duty stand setup (not pictured), and a set of beakers.

  • Aqueous (Fine) - Fine particle homogenization for lightweight liquids like water (1-10cps)
  • Emulsions (neutral) - Light oils and emulsions (20-100cps)
  • Viscous - Good for thick oils, gels, creams, lotions, and balms (200-500cps)
  • Solids (knife)- Tissue homogenization (for tearing or breaking down solids into a liquid)

Our "viscous" X1740 complete kit includes a vertical flow cup which doubles the standard processing size for thick, heavy, and viscous materials

All our homogenizers come with a 2-year warranty and we have parts in stock and service capable of repairing and replacing any broken parts quickly. We understand how costly downtime can be so we are committed to offer the fastest turnaround possible. Call us anytime if you have any questions about your homogenizer mixer setup (510)487-1390



For help selecting the right homogenizer kit see our selection guide here

For mixing terpenes and distillate see our terpene guide here

The X1740 is designed in accordance with Safety Class 1 and built and tested in accordance with DIN EN 61010. According to these regulations the unit is designed to meet the requirements for safe and correct operations. To maintain the proper safety and operational functions of the instrument the user should follow the instructions and safety guidelines in the manual. Not for hazardous are use, DO NOT USE WITH FLAMMABLE MATERIALS.

How to clean G40 Shaft:

See our guides to help get you started and find the right equipment:

Using a Homogenizer to Mix Terpenes and Distillate | Intro to Rotor Stator Homogenizers | Shaft Selection GuideHomogenizers for Viscous Material


Shaft Manual

X1740 Manual

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